2023-08-30 11:00  P5A-1/Online

Cosmological Implications of Axion Rotations

Dr. Raymond Co

The past decades have seen an explosive growth in searches for axion dark matter, while its cosmological origin has been a theoretical puzzle. In this talk, we will present novel axion dynamics in the early universe—a rotation in the complex-field space. Such rotations are a natural result of quantum gravity effects and inflationary dynamics. This dynamics was overlooked in the extensive literature but has profound consequences. For instance, axion rotations can simultaneously generate axion dark matter via “kinetic misalignment” and the observed excess of matter over antimatter in the Universe via “axiogenesis.” Remarkably, rich and correlated phenomenology automatically arises with sharp and distinct predictions. These include specific axion properties that are more experimentally accessible, unique gravitational wave signals, and correlated mass scales of supersymmetry and neutrinos. Alternatively, in models with decaying heavy axions, axiogenesis may be tested by neutrino experiments such as DUNE and long-lived particle searches at the LHC. 


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